The capital question

You want to approach the Financial Community in a more targeted way? You want to give your investment products a face and not get lost in the complex regulatory environment? You depend on effective communications in the context of transactions?

Companies are fighting hard for capital. Whether it’s equity or debt capital, investors are becoming increasingly demanding. We offer expertise and relationship management services for an effective dialogue between companies seeking capital and their investors, intermediaries, financial analysts and media.

Investor Relations

In addition to legal and regulatory communications, there are ample opportunities for companies to position themselves as a worthwhile investment. We provide comprehensive services to manage your relationships with shareholders, bond holders, lending banks, institutional investors, financial analysts and media. Our services range from developing a concept, copy writing and producing meaningful annual reports and extend all the way to planning, organizing and managing analyst and media conferences, roadshows or general assemblies.

SIX Swiss Exchange Relations

We are deeply familiar with the rules and regulations that govern the Swiss stock exchanges. Our offering encompasses consulting services and compliant handling of reporting requirements of listed companies via traditional channels or the Connexor reporting system. This also comprises consulting services, compliant preparation of information and handling of event-related reporting requirements, including ad hoc communications, disclosure of participations and management transactions including OLS reporting.

Capital market transactions

IPOs, take-overs, mergers and divestitures are prevalent in many areas of business. We are familiar with the corresponding frameworks and requirements of a transaction and are used to working in multidisciplinary, international teams. We consult companies during capital market transactions to design project-based communications strategies and implement the designated measures in an efficient and focused way.


Unfriendly takeovers shake up capital markets time and again. We show companies what to do when they become targets, the strategies and steps to prevent a takeover, and provide support in setting up the right defense measures.

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