Bernhard Schweizer, partner of sensus, presented winners of best Swiss online reporting

Zurich, September 21, 2011 – In his function as chairman of the online reporting jury, Bernhard Schweizer, partner of Sensus, presented the winners of the best Swiss online reporting in the context of the yearly award ceremony for the best Swiss annual reports. The final online ranking was based on a list which blended the results of the largest Swiss corporations achieved in online value reporting (prepared by the Institute for Banking and Finance, University of Zürich) with the list of the best online presentations of the annual reports (established by the Zurich University of the Arts). The online jury had revisited the top 12 ranking online presences, widened the focus to include not only balance sheet date related reporting, but also the ongoing dialogue with the investor community, and then presented its final list from a very hands-on finance, media and IR point of view. Georg Fischer was awarded third place, Roche second. The overall winner in the category online reporting was Nobel Biocare. In contrast to prior years, the winners were quite candid in saying that their companies will certainly continue to invest in their online reporting efforts, even shifting budgets from printing more towards online communication in the years to come.

All rankings of the Swiss Annual Report Rating can be downloaded at

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